Çerez Örnek


The education language is Turkish. However, the students have the opportunity to study one-year English preparatory classes are optional. In the third and fourth classes, it is possible to choose English vocational classes from the elective class pool. Textile Engineering Department students, after completing textile classes with basic science and engineering classes for the first two years, and doing a comprehensive orientation internship in the Apprenticeship during the summer, select one of the options among  Textile Technology (Yarn, Weaving, Knitting), Textile Chemistry and Finishing or Garment options and are being trained in the last two years to become specialized in their chosen option. In Turkey, Ege Universtiy Department of Textile Engineering is the only textile engineering department  that offers this opportunity for students.

As it is known, textile engineering is an engineering branch where production and control functions are intertwined. For this reason, practical training for textile engineering students is very important. In E.U Textile Engineering Department, this requirement is met in pilot enterprises which can produce in real terms (Cotton Yarn, Wool Yarn, Weaving Preparation and Weaving, Knitting, Nonwoven Surfaces, Textile Finishing and Garment). In these facilities, practices of theoratical classes, orientation internship, research and development studies and trial production are made. In addition to the pilot mills, there are laboratories for Physical and Chemical Textile Testing, Finishing, Washing, Knitting, Pattern and Computer Aided Clothing Design which are used for training and R & D activities in Textile Engineering Department. The training plan includes vocational classes as well as social sciences classes, which constitute approximately 17% of the total credits. Lessons such as economics, general management, business management, factory organization, community service practices and marketing. This lessons enable our students to participate more actively in decisions and management in business life, and enable to work in areas which is outside of production.

Our students who are superior success in major undergraduate programs, are able to double major and minor programs and at the same time obtain second bachelor's degree or certificate, they can study in Machinery, Leather or Chemical Engineering. In agreement with 17 different universities under ERASMUS student exchange program, E.U Textile Engineering students can continue their education in a period in the schools of European countries such as Germany, Slovenia, Italy, Czech Republic, France.

Ege Üniversitesi