Çerez Örnek


Students must complete a faculty summer-internship of 15 work days at the end of 2nd year and an industrial summer-internship of minimum 20 work days at the end of 3rd year.

During the faculty summer-internship, all the students make practices over the machines and it is possible for them to use the machines and to obtain some products that they design in some departments.  Because this internship is before the option choice, it helps the students to give healthy decisions by taking intense practical education in every field of textiles.

The plants in which the industrial summer-internship will be studied should work in the field related to the option chosen by of the student and should have the features that may be acceptable by the textile engineering department. At the end of the industrial summer-internship, the students prepare reports that include the knowledge and experience obtained in this training. The reports should be signed by the person who is responsible for the internship in the plant and conveyed to the Head of the Department. These reports are examined by the related instructor and decisions are given whether they are acceptable or not. Also the report cards filled and signed by the person who is responsible for the internship in the plant are also conveyed to the Head of the Department. If the report card is positive and the report prepared by the student is proper, than the student is successful from the industrial summer-internship. If the report is not proper, he/she must prepare it again, if the report card is negative, he/she must repeat the industrial summer-internship.

The students may complete the industrial summer-internship abroad. They should find the plants in foreign countries by themselves, but these plants should be acceptable by the Head of the Department.

Ege Üniversitesi